Transformational Breath®

October 13 to 15
In Chihuahua City

November 10 to 12
In Monterrey N.L.
Let’s get out of our minds and into our hearts. 
We walk around with our minds talking to us and telling us about how our life is and how it should be. Fear-based thinking can limit us from moving forward with our truth and with our goals. 
In this amazing weekend retreat, you will learn to connect to your feeling heart and to your inner child, through the breaths of Happy Breathing and meditation to self-heal and continue to grow. Integrative Breathwork is then used at the adult level to permanently integrate past traumas and to fully prepare you to foster healthier relationships with your inner child and the children in your life at an emotional level. You will benefit from knowing how to use these transformative breath tools as a personal self-care daily practice, especially when they are most needed in life. By simply changing the way you breathe, you can change your life and discover the freedom of a full deep diaphragmatic breath. 
Follow your heart and open to your feeling body, your awakening heart, and your amazing emotional mind.
Open your breath, open your heart. Join us.

Meet Your Trainers...

Natalia Bennett

Natalia Bennett is an educator and has been directing Mt West Montessori school in El Paso, for over 22 years. Has a Postgraduate degree in Montessori Education and is a certified Montessori guide for early childhood development. She is a Transformational Breath® Group leader and an Ordained Minister. She is an International speaker and co-creator of Happy Breathing®. 

She loves traveling and has participated in Transformational Breath® Events in Europe, USA, and Mexico. 

She lives in El Paso with her husband and four amazing children and enjoys painting, hiking, and cooking with her family. Her deepest passions include connecting parents and children through the beautiful Montessori philosophy and the transformational power of the breath.

Fer Villaverde

A pilgrim of life and of the now. Lover of experiences and their transformations. 

She learned to meditate along side her father ever since she was 11 years old, she lived in the desert for 13 months and she has learned to fall so many times that reinventing herself has been a new type of medicine for her heart. 

She studied to become an interior architect but turned into a profession of looking into the interior of herself. Now she is a Group Leader in Transformation Breath, energetic therapist, Yin Yoga and Cosmobiology teacher. She has a degree in Transpersonal Woman Circles and has retreats focused on the consciousness of oneself. 

She loves the breath, water, ancient roots, silence, symbolism and scripture.

Surrender to the calling of your HEART...

Transformational Breath® Introductory Workshop: Open Your Breath, Open Your Heart

Awakening the Feeling Heart
featuring Transformational Breath®
and Happy Breathing®

  • Physically, Transformational Breath® relieves tension, detoxifies, and greatly increases energy.
  • Emotionally, it integrates repressed patterns, freeing one to experience new levels of love and joy.
  • Mentally, limiting beliefs are dissolved. Peace is achieved, and creativity is expanded.
  • Spiritually, one’s awareness of the connection to the Source is solidified.
  • And So Much More...

“In the past jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains, but in future, they’ll be about the heart.”

Dame Minouche Shafik, Director of London School of Economics

Transformational Breath® Introductory Workshop: Open Your Breath, Open Your Heart

Awakening the Feeling Heart
featuring Transformational Breath®
and Happy Breathing®


"I can see how Transformational Breath® could benefit everyone."
Norman Lear, TV Producer
"One Transformational Breath® session is equivalent to about two years of psychotherapy."
Dr. Henry Smith Rohrberg
"I use Transformational Breathing to manage stress."
Goldie Hawn, Actress
"I have personally benefited from the gifts Judy brings to Breathwork, and I would highly recommend the benefits of her [Transformational Breath®] course for pregnant women and those caring for them."
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of "Women's Bodies" and "Women's Wisdom" 
"I have personally benefited from the gifts Judy brings to Breathwork, and I would highly recommend the benefits of her [Transformational Breath®] course for pregnant women and those caring for them."
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of "Women's Bodies" and "Women's Wisdom" 

You were once a child...

This retreat is for you.

The conditioning of our childhood lives in our subconscious.
We must heal our inner child to let go of our limiting beliefs and live a more fulfilled life now.

Happy Breathing® is a program that will help heal your inner child,
and also help you connect to and guide the children in your life.

Calling all parents, healers, teachers, guides, therapists, coaches, and counselors...


Happy Breathing® presents a wonderful opportunity to guide children into a breath practice, that connects them to their emotional self, giving tools to self-regulate and communicate with their family and community. The practice centers them through a visualization of beautiful animals and guides to use the tool when needed, recognizing the feeling body and naming the emotion with language. Through Happy Breathing®, the language of emotions comes alive, introducing them maybe for the first time to deeply feel their body and create awareness, and understanding of who they are.

As I created the Happy Breathing® program, I continued to heal my inner child by knowing where my breath could go and can do even in the memory of my own life. Any adult that works and gets introduced to Happy Breathing® is in essence connected to their own inner child as they learn the tools to heal. 

During this retreat, we will give an introduction to Happy Breathing®. We will present three breath patterns, the basics for working with children individually and in groups, as well as introduce the tools we will use during the breathwork.  
Benefits of Happy Breathing®:
  • It creates self-worth
  • ​It supports self-regulation
  • ​It is a tool for social-emotional awareness
  • It develops imagination in connection with intention
  • ​It is a life-long tool for self-love
  • ​It creates deep connections with the adult and child

Watch this video to get an idea how we can present
Happy Breathing to our children®

  • Connecting, connect to your mind heart coherence, learn techniques to awaken your intuitive heart.
  • Receiving, receive breathing patterns that can help you shift your emotional state.
  • Feeling, and allowing the connection to our feeling body to receive its wisdom and messages.
  • ​Intention, learn how to create intention in your life. 
  • ​And Much More...

As seen on


Since I begun this is discovery voyage led by Natalia, something as simple as breathing every day, has transformed into a way of life, where I transfer into every breath an intention, gratitude, an offering, a feeling of my soul, a forgiveness... it’s endless. 
Thank you Natalia, you have given meaning to every time that I inhale, knowing it’s more than oxygen, and I exhale, so much more than CO2! 

Leticia López Colunga
Since I began my breathing practice, my state of being and my health have changed for the best. I feel more energy. I am connected to my body and my soul with more people on the earth. Not sure how to put this in words. My life is better.

Alberto Tinajero
Understanding the importance of breathing is something that has helped me to awaken in my path. Being present and receiving from the air of life, has allowed me to see beyond.

Thank you, thank you, Natalia, for opening the door to me, and to my practice of breathwork.

Fabiola Almeida
Since I begun this is discovery voyage led by Natalia, something as simple as breathing every day, has transformed into a way of life, where I transfer into every breath an intention, gratitude, an offering, a feeling of my soul, a forgiveness... it’s endless. 

Thank you Natalia, you have given meaning to every time that I inhale, knowing it’s more than oxygen, and I exhale, so much more than CO2! 

Leticia López Colunga
Since I began breathing my practice, my state of being and my health have changed for the best. I feel more energy. I am connected to my body and my soul with two to more people on the earth. Not sure how to put this in words. My life is better.

Alberto Tinajero
Understanding the importance of breathing has been something that has helped me to awaken in my path. Being present and receiving that from the air of life, has allowed me to see beyond.

Thank you, thank you, Natalia, for opening the door to me to my practice of breathwork.

Fabiola Almeida
Since Natalia invited me to her breathing community, she enveloped me with love. She shares experiences and knowledge that have enriched my journey in this life. I am thankful for her teachings and for instilling in me the practice of breathing, it has made an important change in my life. I feel peaceful, I have clarity, I trust in myself and I am strong. Thank you my beautiful friend Natalia. 

Judith DeAnda
Happy Breathing has guided my students to identify, feel their emotions, and to express them. There is a definite difference in the child after practicing breathing class. I can feel a calm and relaxed nervous system.
The Happy Breathing experience at our school has taken us to have peaceful days and I am grateful for the prepared breathing materials that we have in the classroom. 
I love it and I recommend it as a Montessori guide and as a person.

Genoveva Perez
 As a mom it is comforting to have tools the children can use to regulate and connect with their emotions. I think one of the most important tasks of a parent is to help our children identify their feelings, help them know themselves and help them connect their mind and their heart. Through Happy Breathing, session after session, children practice and use the tools to connect with themselves.
Carmen Apodaca
Since Natalia invited me to her breathing community, she enveloped me with love. She shares experiences and knowledge that have enriched my journey in this life. I am thankful for her teachings and for instilling in me the practice of breathing, it has made an important change in my life. I feel peaceful, I have clarity, I trust in myself and I am strong. Thank you my beautiful friend Natalia. 

Judith DeAnda
Happy Breathing has guided my students to identify, feel their emotions, and to express them. There is a definite difference in the child after practicing breathing class. I can feel a calm and relaxed nervous system.
The Happy Breathing experience at our school has taken us to have peaceful days and I am grateful for the prepared breathing materials that we have in the classroom.
I love it and I recommend it as a Montessori guide and as a person.

Genoveva Perez
As a mom it is comforting to have tools the children can use to regulate and connect with their emotions. I think one of the most important tasks of a parent is to help our children identify their feelings, help them know themselves and help them connect their mind and their heart. Through Happy Breathing, session after session, children practice and use the tools to connect with themselves.

Carmen Apodaca

Transformational Breath® Introductory Workshop: Open Your Breath, Open Your Heart

Awakening the Feeling Heart
featuring Transformational Breath®
and Happy Breathing®

Copyright 2022.